After going through the usual pleasantries with my dinner buddies, we got down to job talk, heavy gossip, the lack of sun in London, the characteristics of your 'ideal' man/or the type you are attracted to, our travel plans, and ingenious ways to be invited for classmates' weddings that hope to be in exotic lands including Russia, India, Uruguay etc. We decided that we have to start early if we want to be on the guest list! How insensitive and sly no? We had a great laugh about our charming ways.
Given we were eating delcious food - a moroccan chicken and rice with olives, tabbouleh salad, roasted chicken, and macaroni and cheese in truffle oil - the conversation steered to cooking.

It sounds pretty awesome, especially with the spoon feeding they do by providing recipes too. Given her enthusiasm for it, I must consider. And yet, I can't. Not yet anyways.
On one side, being a diligent carnivore, but now with herbivorous habits neatly imbibed more and more over time, I still find it overwhelming to think of this big box sitting in my kitchen. Oh the pressure to devour all the supposed goodness! On the other hand, it will be healthy. And on yet another side, the scary thought of looking at rotten veggies at the end of the week.
I am being pessimistic, but I know myself. The few veggies I do buy sometimes rot if I'm not quick enough. Now, I am cooking a lot more so the waste is lesser, but a box. I mean, its a box full!
Perhaps in the future when I have someone to 'manage' the box, when it is not solely 'my' responsibility, I will welcome the box. Until then, I'll stick with the little packets of brussel sprouts, three carrots, coriander, one small cabbage, one portion of spinach, a cucumber and lots of potatoes and meats to tide me through the week. Baby steps.
Today I'm humming Consider Yourself from Oliver Twist
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